Socializing at the Convention

SAMSUNG CAMERA PICTURESWe were told to use this area to associate with the local brothers before/after and in between sessions. Of course, it was always packed and you could barely walk. (Zoom on the photo and you can see how far the crowd goes.) But we really enjoyed getting to meet the local brothers and other delegates.

We were anxious to take their photos and give them our little gifts – but they were even more excited to take our photos and give us gifts and thank us for coming.

Many of the younger ones wanted to practice their English on us. The young brother below was so cute, interviewing Charles. We became adept at greeting the brothers in Spanish, telling them our names and when they asked “dónde?” – we knew to respond: Carolina del Norte.

Socializing was really a highlight of the convention for us. We’ve never experienced such warm affection and hospitality as we did from the Ecuadorian brothers. It was amazing and something we will never forget.


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