Hola! We are the Wiggs family from Goldsboro, NC, US.

Charles and Becky, and our son, Steve and his wife Veronica. Veronica is from Quito, so when we heard about the international convention being hosted in Quito in Jan, 2015 – we had to apply. We were excited to find out we were accepted – and the more than a year we had to prepare sure flew by fast. The next thing we knew, we were on a plane to Ecuador.


We have been to Quito one time before in June, 2004 for two weeks for Steve and Vero’s wedding. This time, since we were staying with Veronica’s family, the Cisneros family, we were looking forward to a double treat – spending time with family – and attending our first international convention. We knew it would be awesome – but we had no idea just how awesome. There’s no experience like an international convention. Especially with the wonderful hermanos in Ecuador. They are so warm and loving – and really made us feel like  celebrities.

We had a real taste of our international brotherhood – it was such a privilege. We hope to share just a little bit of that wonderful experience with our photos and videos. We hope you enjoy!


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